Tag: Agri-Hood

Sleep Hygiene: Tips and Tricks

Sleep hygiene is basically establishing a healthy bedtime routine that is conducive to falling and staying asleep. Here are some of my favorite tips and tricks for maintaining healthy sleep hygiene:

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Self-Care this Winter

Has there ever been a week in the history of weeks that felt more winter-like than this past week? I mean, sure... probably, but this week felt exceptionally relentless, snowbound, and severe. However, a healthy dose of perspective is always necessary: it could have been so much worse. We’re incredibly lucky here in the part of the commonwealth where the rolling Piedmont meets the gentle Coastal region to keep us fairly protected from harsh weather. However, our beloved environment couldn’t protect us from this enormous blimp of a winter storm and all its nasty slush that fell from the sky. I found myself wearing 3 pairs of socks, 3 shirts, and 2 pairs of sweatpants every day this week. Occasionally, I’d catch a glimpse of my reflection as I’d pass by the bathroom mirror on my way back to my troll’s den (with snacks in hand) where I had a heated blanket to keep me warm. Those few nanoseconds where I allowed myself to look at what winter has done to me were like a spotlight of reality. I need to get back on the self-care train that seems to have left the station for most of the winter. Why have I done this? I don’t know. Winter is the best time of all for self-care. Below are a few of my favorite self-care activities for the wintertime in all its dim, quiet solitude.

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How Mindfulness Can Help Diabetes

Many of us know by now that mindfulness practices, like yoga and meditation, have positive health benefits. But if you’re like me, you might need to know just how these mindfulness practices help in order to convince yourself to adopt a few into your already busy schedule. I’m honestly the worst at remembering to go to a yoga class, read a book, drink water - pretty much all of the things we know to be good for us. So there’s no judgment here. Just a gentle reminder that we can’t heal our bodies without also working to heal our minds and our spirits. So let’s dive in and see just how exactly a new mindfulness practice may help those with diabetes or those at risk for developing diabetes (a category that could easily include every single American).

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Your Winter Herbal Cupboard

Here on the farm, we have the unique opportunity in this day and age to stay so closely tied to the seasons. As the days elongate and the field bursts with energy, so too must we. Now, as the daylight hours crawl into bed earlier and the fields hunker down for the winter, we find ourselves nestling in with a blanket or two, admiring a winter sunset early in the evening. Winter is the time of year to nourish our bodies and our families while preserving, preparing, and sharing what we grew throughout the warmer months. The best way to experience and share good daily health throughout the winter is by exploring herbal medicine.

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Woodside Farms Holiday Provisions Market!

Join us on November 12th from 10 am-2 pm for our first-ever Holiday Provisions Market.We'll have samples from a selection of local makers who add love and intention into every serving of their goods. You'll be able to host and feed your family local homemade goodies this Thanksgiving all while barely lifting a finger (other than the times you'll have to lift your fingers to make your orders).

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The Many Health Benefits of Art

Lucky for us, we have so many talented artists right here in Chickahominy Falls. Join us on Saturday, November 12th from 10 am-2 pm as we host our second Chickahominy Falls Art Sale here at The Barn. Enjoy perusing the fine talent we have on display while also finding the perfect piece to add to your growing collection at home. Your health may just depend on it!

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Woodside Wellness Chat

Amy Fowler, of Lamplight Living, is on a mission to help you achieve and maintain an active lifestyle! Specializing in getting better sleep, decreasing your pain, and improving your immunity and digestion, she will share how to use doTERRA essential oils so you can do what you love.

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Make With The Oom-Pah-Pah!

Woodside Farms Fall Fest! Crank up the oompah, loosen your lederhosen and get ready to guten appetit at the Woodside Farms Fall Fest on October 15th from 10am-2pm. Enjoy a bountiful feast of traditional German fare, including a Bavarian Pretzel Bar inspired by the tastes of Oktoberfest, with our own Woodside Farms flair.

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A Few Easy Fall Rituals

What is the Autumnal Equinox? The Autumnal Equinox is technically the first day of fall, which arrives this year on Thursday, September 22nd (and if you want to get specific, at 9:31 am).

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