Earth Day at Chickahominy Falls’ Woodside Farms
April is Earth Month, and hanging out at Woodside Farms on Earth Dayis a (biode)GREAT(able) way to celebrate! Why is Earth Day important?
April is Earth Month, and hanging out at Woodside Farms on Earth Dayis a (biode)GREAT(able) way to celebrate! Why is Earth Day important?
This is also the time of year when we find ourselves with just enough energy for spring cleaning. It's important to notice and intentionally direct this energy into activities and schedules that bring us and our loved one's purpose.
This time of year is almost always served with a heaping helping of stress, or pressure to stick to your new year goals. Either way, daily stress can impact just about anybody, its compounding effects sometimes seem hard to dodge. But, there are certainly a few things we can do every day to help send stress and anxiety packing!
Forest bathing, or shinrin yoku, is a therapeutic practice that originated in Japan in the 1980s and is now being utilized stateside for its wellness benefits. The idea is essentially to just be in nature, absorbing its light, sounds, colors, and smells.