You can see it all around Chickahominy Falls. Trucks rolling through fields. Dirt being moved. And foundations being plotted. Where piece-by-piece, each step along the way only adds to the unique lifestyle that lives here. And with each day, life gets more playful and even more purposeful.
Here’s a sampling of the progress going on in and around the neighborhood.
Around the Corner Reflection
With plantings designed to attract a sense of peace and the occasional butterfly or two, the pocket parks are becoming the perfect spot for a moment’s worth of peace and quiet.
A Ripple of Excitement
Adding another splash of tranquility to the landscape, the future pond is being prepared for great moments ahead. Reflections will come in multiple ways here.
Your Second Home
You don’t have to go far to retreat to your second home. Soon this five-star amenity will be home to a fitness center, game room, library, entertaining kitchen, bar and so much more. The Clubhouse will be yet another experiential destination right in the neighborhood where you can unwind in the library or rev up in the fitness center. You can warm up by the outdoor fire pits or cool down the summertime’s warmth in the swimming pool.
There are so many reasons to love Chickahominy Falls. Now we’re giving you a few more reasons to add to your list. In the one place where reaching the perfect equilibrium happens from the moment you put down roots. The details are already in place and there’s even more to come, for a life in perfect harmony.